//@Cyber Menace@\\

Friday, March 24, 2006

Journal - Part(I)

Got on this KLM plane, which was a A-340. Nice one with individual LCD displays for each seat. I luckily got the window seat! There were 2 seats by the sides of the plane and 4 seats in the middle. My co-passenger seat was empty so I could sleep peacefully. Saw a part of the movie "Ice Age". The movie was a riot :) That idiot travel agent had ordered special vegetarian meal for me so I had to suffer with Rajma, Paneer, roti and rice. The food's taste was OK though. Topped it with some Bloody Mary and slept like a baby till they woke us up for breakfast.

For breakfast had sweet buns, orange juice etc etc. By the way I saw 2 - 3 guys from my previous company in the plane, but as usual didn't talk to them cause I just knew them by face. Landed at Amsterdam at 5:50 (10 mins early), got out by 6:10, rushed to the gate at the other end of the airport. Didn't go around the airport coz I have already seen it thrice. The plane for Bristol left from Amsterdam at 7:00 sharp, all refreshments were chargeable so didn't take any. Reached Bristol at 8:30. Passport check cleared without much ado. After clearing the immigration hurdles, took a cab...guess which one...yup a Merc (I sat in a S series Merc finally ...yipee) to this hotel called Premier Travel Inn. The hotel is so-so, not that great .. Have seen better ones! That's the story till the hotel. Will write about how I spent the days out here later ..

PS: Its raining and its cold outside :(


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