//@Cyber Menace@\\

Friday, February 17, 2006

I hate it when ..

Back after a two days sojourn and I see that I have been tagged by Arti, and she wants my hate list. Here goes:
1. I hate it when people disturb me when I am asleep.
2. I hate it when I need to get up at 7:00 in the morning to reach my office.
3. I hate it when I am given a task that needs getting up before 11:00 am on weekends.
4. I hated in when I was in hostel and my roommate kept the lights on to study while I tried to sleep.
5. I hate it when I need to stay awake till midnight to wish people happy birthday and happy new year.
6. I hate it when people call me at midnight to wish me happy birthday.
Hmm ..let me see is there anything else? Besides that usual shit that goes around in this country and the usual human frailties that I detest; this list is quite comprehensive and complete !


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